K. K. Wagh Vidyabhavan & Jr. College, Bhausahebnagar

  Karmaveer Kakasaheb Wagh Education Society’s K. K. Wagh Vidyabhavan and Junior College located at Bhausahebnagar was established in the year 1970. The medium of instruction is in Marathi. The school was started to impart quality education to the rural mass. It was founded by the late Padmashree Karmaveer Kakasaheb Wagh. The school building is constructed by using the Japanese Model. The present strength of students is 1925. The 60 dedicated teachers and 15 non-teaching staff are striving to bring good name for the school in the District. K.K.Wagh Vidyabhavan is one of the good school in the State of Maharashtra.

Address K.K. Wagh Vidyabhavan & Junior College.
A/P. Bhausahebnagar, Tal: Niphad, Dist: Nashik - 422 301.
Establishment 1970
Name of Board S.S.C. & H.S.C. Board, Nashik Division.
Principal / Head Master Mr. Chand Aminbhai Shaikh
Email ID [email protected]
[email protected]
Phone No. Office: (02550) 243542.
Class  Secondary (5th to 10th Std.)              - 60 Intake each
Higher Secondary (11th & 12th Std.) -Arts: 80 Intake, Science:11th -160  Intake
MCVC (Electronics) -20+10, MCVC (Mechanical)-20+10                                                        
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